Rowdy Rathore starring Akshay Kumar, direction by Prabhu Deva and produced by Sanjay Leela Bhansali contains 2 songs by Kumar Sanu. News source says that after singing one song the music director asked Sanu-da to sing another song as he was so much impressed by his singing.
80400 visitors
Photosession of Kumar Sanu
Kumar Sanu @ His Studio
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Kumar Sanu in Mirakkel - Zee Bangla
The program 'Mirakkel' in Zee Bangla is after the Bengali host of the show call 'Mir' whose actual name
is 'Mir Afzal' and is a big comedian host from Bengal. 'Akkel' in
Bengali means 'Akkal' or 'Intelligence'. Mir is very intelligent that he creates jokes then and there on the stage.
Some clips from that show: - shows/mirakkel-akkel- challenger-6/video/mirakkel-ak kel-challenger-6-dec-14-kumar- sanu-special.html shows/mirakkel-akkel- challenger-6/video/mirakkel-ak kel-challenger-6-dec-14-introd uction.html
Some clips from that show: -
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